Monday, September 24, 2012

Can we all keep this up?

For those of you that still check my blog (are there any of you left?) I know I have been absent for a long time. Fact is, I lost my motivation to write. I'm not sure yet if it's returning, but I'm hoping to spark the flames of inspiration somehow. I keep track of other blogs, and I've noticed other writers suffering the same malady. One popular blogger even posted recently that he was done. So I have to ask the blogging world, can we really commit to this?

For myself, I'm going to try. By the nature of blogging, one must view it as a personal journal, open to public viewing. Otherwise you're just talking to yourself.

My Dad used to tell a story of a visit by my German Aunt. When she saw what we were having for dinner, he heard her mutter "Aufgewärmt Überprüfung der Woche". Which, if Google Translate did this right, means "warmed over review of the week". Implying that my Mom was serving her leftovers, which I know she never would have done for a guest. But that was my aunt, we still tell funny "Anni stories". If Aunt Anni read today's post, I'm sure she'd mutter "Aufgewärmt Überprüfung des Monats". And so it is.

August was a busy month. A quick trip to North Carolina to help Ben and Emily move, which I don't have pictures of. And 6 days in Chicago and Wisconsin visiting Jared and Lisa.

From Chicago we took a side trip to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Lisa is a great trip planner and did all the work lining up the jaunt north to the land of Cheese and Lakes.

A boat trip around the Lake

One of the many "summer cottages" that lined the lake shore
The Wrigley Family owns about 5 miles of lake front.

Another summer home.
This owner decided to build a party boat house designed after an old steam ship.

Midwest sunsets are beautiful! Taken from Jared and Lisa's apartment.

Back in Chicago Lisa lined us up for a architecture boat tour up the Chicago River.
I should say down the river because the river flow was reversed in  1900.

Chicago skyline from the Hancock Building.
Playing around with B&W

Sunny and beautiful. A great time!

The end of an August vacation has always felt like the beginning of a new year for me. I guess it's still a hold over from my school years when everything started in September. I usually feel relaxed and refreshed and return to what I know as normal life. Then I tend to re-evaluate my priorities and try to re-organize my life.

I'm happy to report that the running is still going well. I'm up to 1.7 miles with no walking breaks. Probably not the progress that will prepare me for the Baltimore 5K in late October, but I feel good about it. I have to rest the knees for 2 days before I can run again, but hey, that's 56 years old. When I injured by knee 15 years ago, I thought I'd never run again. So actually I'm really pleased with my progress.

What would a "review" be without an update on Patton and Reilly?
The Bay is still a favorite destination.

Instead of throwing a stick, I am using the "Chuck-It"
I can heave a tennis ball a good 100 ft and Reilly swims out to retrieve it and begs for more.

Cliff City is one of the quiet "secret" destinations that we really appreciate living here.

Just as Patton appreciates a visit from Tyler and a chance to cuddle.

Modest Adventures almost sailed slowly into the setting sun.
But it's trying to return to blog another day.


Clare said...

Great to have you back again. Don't ever succumb to writer's block.

Cathy said...

great to have you back. Love your pix of CHicago and of course of you and the canines! Keep those cards and letters coming!! PS: I kept seeing Shenadoah adventures when I checked your blog so I stopped checking, but it's good to have you back.

Jared said...

We still enjoy it. Just have to give us a heads up when it's been updated ha.