Thursday, June 9, 2011

Extreme weather

I pulled the zipper on my coat up again, I had already yanked it several times, as if it would somehow magically extend to cut the biting wind and driving sleet that was stinging my face and melting down my collar. I was walking into the wind and it felt like I was being pushed back one step for every 2 steps forward. I was already late for the train, I had to hurry to catch it, they never wait, you can be 3 feet from the door and they will pull away from the station. The mixture of sleet and snow was now melting against my skin and running down behind my coat. I felt wet, odd for such a cold day. And the sleet was rough and wet on the side of my face, like the rough tongue of a dog..........if I didn't know better, I'd think......ughnnnn...what the?....Ahhhh! Reilly! Bad dog! It was a dream! I'm sweating in bed and the dog is licking my face! Gross! What a way to start the day. And it's going to be another hot one too.


Cathy said...

love the picturem where did you take it?

Clare said...

Oh, for the life of Reily! Does she need a muzzle, or do you sleep in a catcher's mask?

Cathy said...

I'm Reilly proofed for the week. I bought some googles just in case she greets me facially in the morning!!