Sunday, October 30, 2011

I had a destination.....

It was cool and sunny as I headed out the lane. I was dressed for a cool day wind chill, enough bike wear to stay warm but not so much as to appear dorky. 
I headed to Chestertown, happy to have a different destination for a change.

One of the reasons I don't head north towards town is this bridge, you have to walk your bike across instead of ride. Looking south, almost across.

From the bridge, you do get a good look at the river, with the old sailing ships, the one in the foreground is a reproduction of the Sultana, made in the old shipbuilding way. Not a bad view for every day.

So like I said, I had a destination, but sometimes you just have to follow where the bike and the mood takes you. I headed through town and right out the other side. Into farm country. The sun was glistening off the ripe soybean fields. Ready for harvest.

At last, I made it to Pomona. About 5 miles west of Chestertown. The sun was starting to drop and I decide I should turn around, especially since I hadn't reached my destination yet.

On the way back to town, this is looking east up the Chester river. In the distance that's the bridge I walked across. What a view! But on to my destination.

Made it at last. The ATM in town. I needed cash.
Sometimes getting there is all the fun!


Clare said...

Love your blogs--they always cheer me or amuse me.

Cathy said...

looking forward to seeing you and Irma next weekend!!