Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's time to move on and other rantings of a burned out home remodeler

I do enjoy a good remodeling project and the satisfaction of accomplishment. And a cool tool makes me smile. But do I really want my legacy to be: "He was always working on his house. It was swell"

This is the last bike ride I took. It's a good thing I have a blog or I might not even remember that I actually ride bikes. Well, tripping over them in the basement on a weekly basis does serve to jog the old gray matter. That's how occupied I've been with "The Mother of All Projects". I got some cool bike gear for Christmas. I used the winter bike pants once. Admittedly this hasn't been much of a winter here in Maryland. The bike pants provided an experience that was more like a cult sweat lodge cleansing than a fun winter ride. And I used the cool Nashbar bike tool set that Irma gave me to dismantle her Trek. I find that dismantling things is one of my skills. I even made my own headset bearing removal tool out of a piece galvanized conduit. I was so proud, it looked just like the $30 Park Tool. But walking by 2 buckets of bike components for the past 3 months has made me realize that it's time to get motivated about something other than home remodeling. And the wife wants her bike back.

I have a friend at work that wants me to run the Baltimore Running Festival 5K with him next fall. He referred me to a link on coolrunning.com. The Couch to 5K Running Plan promises to whip your lazy butt into 5K shape in just 9 weeks. Now I never was a "couch" type. My family knows I can't sit still for much more than an hour before I'm shaking out new trash bags. I even turned off the final episode of Lord of the Rings with 60 minutes left to watch. But I have been considering the idea of running. As much as I like biking, it will never be the cardio workout that running is. So only time will tell if the knees will hold up enough for this endeavor.

I tried a Clif Bar the other day. I have to say, if rock climbers like eating turds, that's one sport I will avoid.

Lastly, I'm in need of an adventure. Nothing like "Into the Wild" starve to death type adventure. I recently bought some gear and what good is gear if you don't use it. I'm thinking short bike touring/camping trip. Maybe in Pennsylvania. Maybe I'll bike through Amish country and help them bale hay or bake pies.
Any takers?


Irma Victorius said...

It is definitely time for you to get back on that bike...and use that tent! If I had a working bike, I'd go with you! ;-)

Tyler V said...

I'm always up for pie.

Cathy V said...

If your pie is as good as your cake, I say go for pie baking!! And, white chocolate macadamia cliff bars are pretty decent.