Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Couch to 5K - 3rd week

A while back I ordered a book from Amazon called "The Non-Runners Marathon Trainer"
I didn't at the time, nor do I now intend to run 26.2 miles. After all, 56 year old knees can't take that, can they? But I have noticed that since I started running and reading, the first real attempt at it in about 15 years, my perception is changing. It doesn't matter that I am starting slow, almost at a laughably slow rate, what matters is that I am able to keep doing my runs every 3 days. And my knees are ok with it. So instead of getting impatient and trying too much, I maintain the program and it leads me where I am going. My goal is still 5K, or even 2 miles on a regular basis would be a huge success. But after that, who knows.
My mind and body will be the determining factor.

"The power of inertia is in our perception. If we think we have yet to begin, the power of perceived inactivity can become a slow setting concrete that keeps us from starting. If instead we perceive that the journey has already begun, and contemplate the successes already registered (however small), inertia becomes and illusion and loses its relevance to a process that is already underway."
-Tanjala Mabon Kole, from The Non-Runners Marathon Trainer

1 comment:

Irma said...

Your quote about inertia is true in many areas of life.