Tuesday, February 1, 2011


If you enjoy the outdoors like I do, you have to like winter. Its clean and refreshing. It means you're standing up to the weather and not backing down. It's saying "bring it on, I can take it!". It's seeing opportunities that others might not see. It's getting up early and enjoying the fog that covers the field, and seeing the sun rise behind it.
It's being outside with your favorite dog, and watching him sense what you can't see. It's looking back at your house, and knowing that as much as you are enjoying this, a hot cup of coffee on a cold morning is one of life's pleasures.

So to that wonderful furry rodent, affectionately know as "Phil", I say look hard for that shadow, my groggy friend from Punxsutawney! If tomorrow's prediction is 6 more weeks of winter, I'm ok with that.


Clare said...

Carl, I love your pictures and your essay, but I especially like your attitude. Enjoy! Enjoy!

Jared said...

What is it that makes us winter people? I like the pictures, look forward to seeing you guys soon.