Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Commissioned by the best

Last Friday a friend and former employee of mine, Erickson, invited me to his commissioning ceremony. He was being commissioned as an Ensign in the US Navy by his now "boss", Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. For those of you that aren't familiar with Senator Inouye, he is a living legend. Recipient of the Medal of Honor and longest standing current Senator. You can read all about him on Wikipedia. 

Erickson's story is also a testament to the opportunity that this country provides for those who work hard to achieve a dream. Here he is taking the oath from the Senator with his daughter holding the bible.

I got a chance to introduce myself to Senator Inouye. He is a man of great accomplishment but also unassuming and modest. When I remarked about his excellent service to our country, his reluctant acknowledgment of my praise made clear the quality of his character.

It was a privilege to meet such a fine Statesman and public servant.


Irma said...

Very cool! I'm glad I got to see pics

Clare said...

Inspiring story!

Cathy said...

Very impressive, that is quite an accomplishment.