Monday, March 28, 2011

Outdoor Weekend!

When the weather is cool and sunny, that is the best time to get outdoor work done. We had several projects on the list for a while, and this was the weekend to man up and get some exercise. So with that in mind, I headed outside on Saturday with chain saw and wheel barrow. First on the list was to clear back about 20 feet from the edge of the "lawn" that was littered with old log sections and pokeweed carcases. I use the term "lawn" loosly, it's more of a weed smorgasbord.

I should have taken a before picture, but just imagine about 20 large rotten tree trunk sections lying in the leaves covered with dead weeds and brambles. Most were too heavy to lift into the wheel barrow with out doing bodily harm to my back. So I cut a 3 in deep line across the end of the log section and split each one in half using 2 wedges and a maul. Half a rotten log was managable to get in a wheelbarrow and take back into the woods to dump.

The Russian Olives are gone!

On Sunday, I cut down the 3 once prized Russian Olive Trees that bordered the corner garden by the porch. Russian Olives are the shrub equivalent of a large, ill behaved, mixed breed dog. They might be cute when they are little but pretty soon you wonder what possesed you to buy them. They grow like a weed. You can hack 5 ft off the top every fall and then next year they will grow 8 ft more.

By 4:00 PM Sunday, the work was done and the dogs needed some attention.

Patton being brushed. He likes to hold the tasty bone.

A snack on the porch, Patton likes his crackers too.
A lot of work accomplished. I'm going to be sore tomorrow, but it will be a good sore.

1 comment:

Clare said...

Looks like you did a lot of back-breaking work. What will you plant in the openings?

Irma and dog pictures (and you too) are always most welcome.