Thursday, August 18, 2011

Evening at the Fish Whistle

There's a nice restaurant on the river near us called The Fish Whistle. I'm not sure who came up with the name but it seems like alcohol might have been involved. Do fish really whistle? Can you whistle for fish like you can a dog? Anyway, nice summer evenings are a great time to enjoy the deck on the water with a drink and the crab chowder, crab on pretzel bread or scallops wrapped in bacon.

You get a great view of the water and boats

You can watch the ducks swim by. 
Reminds me of Mitch Hedberg's great joke line: "I find that ducks opinion of me depends on whether or not I have bread"

Just enjoying the evening!


Clare said...

Lovely! I'm glad you and Irma take time to "smell the roses".

Cathy said...

I'd like to go there sometime.