Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The mother of all Projects

Remember Irma's Law of Real Project Time? Well ever since the curse of the black mold destroyed our bathroom 2 years ago (and almost killed me says Irma), this project has validated her prediction of project time over and over. So I'm happy to report that progress is being made! I'm building up in the visible sense, not just infrastructure like reinforcing floor joists, plumbing, electric and laying plywood sheathing on the floor. I think we'll be ready for the drywall guy in 2 weeks. Provided I can get in touch with him. I've been calling him for 2 weeks and his answering machine is always full. I won't bore you with excessive detail, but below are a series of pictures of the area where the tub was and the new one is. Scroll to the bottom for a picture of my latest handiwork. I set the new tub (a big thanks to Randy for hooking me up) last Saturday and framed out the end wall. It was a long day of sweating in a hot room but I got it done around 9:00 PM.

This was the shower area after the mold guy did his thing. The whitewash is the mold block he sprayed on. Cost us over $3000 to get the mold cleaned up. Never ignore a moisture problem in your house.

Then I went ahead and tore some more out. Sealed and vapor barrier-ed the crawlspace.

Floor replaced and hardibacker laid for tub floor. Hardibacker is a waterproof cement board.

New Tub installed finally. Irma helped me set it. I mixed a mortar base to set it in and shimmed and glued the wood feet. It's nice and solid, which is important for an acrylic fiberglass tub if you want it to last. Next up: install the hardibacker around the tub where the tile will go. My goal is to have the whole thing complete by Christmas. It takes a while when you only have 3 -4 days a month to work on it.


Clare said...

Impressive job! It was even more so when I really saw it on Sunday

Cathy said...

Ditto!! I say you'll be done by Thanksgiving. Stay safe during Irene.