Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A picture goes to the dogs

I was outside last night after work chuckering* the dogs. As any of you that have read my blog on a regular basis know, chuckering is an activity with one soul purpose in mind, wring the pent up energy out of the canine companions as fast as possible. And if they experience some enjoyment in the process all the better. Lately Reilly the crazy shepherd has been living up to her breeds reputation as a TIRELESS companion and worker. If I could just find her a job that pays and tires her out. Maybe she could be trained to dig ditches.

After about 45 minutes of constant exercise......

....the sun was setting through the trees casting it's rays into the damp air. I rushed inside for my camera.

This would be better with 2 subjects in the foreground.

I can make them do better than that....

Ok, that's nice, but I think you both are capable of a better pose...

Now that's a nice shot!

* Chuckering  [Chuhk Ər ing)   present participle of "to chucker" (verb) meaning to propel or cast a dog toy attached to a rope in any manner but especially over a house in order to elicit maximum distance of travel and energy expenditure of the canine object (one being chuckered).


Clare said...

It's a dog's life! I'm sure they know how good they have it!

Cathy said...

You and Irma get the award for doggie parents of the year. And YES I think Reilly should get a job at the airport sniffing out stuff, Patton's job is to be alpha dog, which he does very well!!