Monday, May 30, 2011

Chestertown Tea Party Raft Race

Sunday was another hot and sunny day in Chestertown. The perfect day for another of our towns Memorial Weekend traditions: The Raft Race. This an opportunity for the more serious to plot and build all year, and the less serious to make the decision to enter the night before after a few pitchers of beer at the Blue Bird. I think the Official Rules say it all.

Official Rules: Rafts and any debris therefrom, must be removed from the premises before or immediately following the awards presentation. It is recommended that you test the buoyancy of your craft prior to the race, its not required, but it may save you some embarrassment.

Competition Rules
1. “Boats” are prohibited. All craft should be made by hand or modified for the purposes of this race.
2. Each raft must carry a minimum of four passengers. There is no maximum limit, but must follow rule # 6.
3. Non-human powered engines are prohibited.
4. Parts and materials commercially manufactured specifically for nautical purposes are prohibited.
5. Commercially manufactured paddles are prohibited.
6. Each competitor must have at least half of their body above the water while propelling a raft.

The Tea Cup
awarded to the raft with the best synthesis of creativity, engineering, and speed -
chosen from the first three finishers of the race.
The Fabulous Flotsam Award
presented to the raft more likely to cause a spectacle than win the race.
The DaVinci Award
presented to the raft with the most unorthodox form of locomotion.
The Van Gogh Award
presented to the most artistic raft.
The Flop Award
presented to the raft with the most impressive failure.


Clare said...

The rafts are certainly creative.
Probably would be fun to get dunked in the river on a day like today

Cathy said...

looks like fun and the categories are creative. SOmeone should get a prize for thinking them up.